There's always an intense atmosphere in the Press Pit when a show starts. People will shove, push, climb and shout just to mark their territory. If you are a student like myself then the only way you are going to survive the Press Pit is to convince those around you that you are part of the Press. This blog entry will teach you the basics on how to fit in before and whilst a show is going on.

Firstly, the only way they are going to know you aren't a part of the press is if you don't look like part of the press. I found the main fault in my blagging was my age. If you look young then the professionals will immediately think you are naive. Do NOT let them them think you are new to this. The time to change their ideas about you is from the moment they start to push or try to intimidate you. This may not happen however you must be prepared as the fashion industry is incredibly competitive. If you do experience any patronising in the press pit then be professional about it. I'm not going to tell you to kick up a fuss but at least make sure the person responsible thinks you have the same right to be there as they do. {see more tips on LFW in other tagged entries}
One of the most important tips I can give for runway photography is to NEVER use a flash gun. Although you want the best photographs you can capture you cannot get away with using a flash during a fashion show. If every Photographer in the Press Pit was firing away with different settings on their flash guns it would not only would everyone's RAW images be a huge disaster but also the flashes would create a huge distraction from the collection. This doesn't mean you can't carry one in with you, you can use it up until the show begins. If you're worrying about the lighting being an issue then think again. Most of the time the designers will light their runways so that the press are able to get the best shots as possible. That way the collection will get far more publicity as newspapers and blogs would post awful photographs.
Concentrate on the feet. The way the model's legs and feet are positioned in your photographs is a huge prioity. I usually count in my head or focus on the beat of the music. The pace of the show can help you as a Photographer predict certain timings. The model's have been trained to walk to the beat so use it to your advantange! You will notice other Photographers using the same technique. Once you have attended a few shows you get a feel for the duration and themes that may occur. Each time you will only get better and better!

Getting to a show 1 or 2 hours before it starts is always an excellent idea. That way you have more than enough time to position yourself in a confortable spot and set up whilst the show run throughs are happening. If you set up in time for the show's run through then this means you can be certain that all of your settings are appropriately set according to the lighting of the location and distance of the models.
In terms of angles and crops to use in Catwalk Photography you must think about the model's positioning. Not only must you take into account the aesthetics of the model (e.g; height, weight, shape, garments) but you have to also think about the surroundings of the model. For example, if you are at a position where you have a 100mm lens and you can see a famous face in the crowd but you are focusing on the garment then you should shoot landscape to fit both aspects in the frame. This will allow you to then edit the crop afterwards if you would prefer to single one of the aspects out.
Just remember that even when you're trying to get the best shots you will end up making mistakes. Live in the moment, get the shots you can and enjoy the experience. You would have gotten into a fashion show after all!