Excited for summer? There are many things you can do to prepare yourself for the summer. I've decided to share my top 5 beauty tips for those sunny days!
(Please take into consideration your health in the sun and allergies before buying any of the listed products).
1 Prepare your skin for the sun

Exfoliating is an important preparation for summer that should be carried out occasionally throughout the hotter months of the year. When you exfoliate, you get rid of the dead, dry and tired cells on the top layer of your skin. By removing these you'll feel softer and more youthful. Your skin will be affected by the sun whether you tan/burn or not. By keeping up with exfoliation you actively maintain the quality of your skin health. The sun can cause skin to burn, wrinkle and will reduce its elasticity.
The Body Shop always do fab exfoliation scrubs and gels that you can use in the shower. I just think that the quality and the play on summer vibes in the this Pinita Colada Cream is great! When using it, you're not only maintaining your skin's health but also being surrounded by the scent of a summer must have!
2 Apply Dry Shampoo on the beach

I'm sure that you have experienced the feeling of unwanted dry stringy-looking hair on the beach. Lots of people find it hard to maintain a fresh healthy look for their hair after a few hours of laying on the beach. The sea air usually causes this to happen but it can sometimes be caused by the type of sand on the beach. If you swim in the sea then this can also give your hair this uncared for look.
Dry Shampoo is sometimes debated as to whether it helps the hair's appearance or not. However, Net-A-Porter have a fantastic Premiere Dry Shampoo that has been proven to revive your hair's hydration. There is a selection of different sized bottles to choose from so don't worry about committing to the brand fully in your first purchase! SHOW is used by professionals internationally so if you think you will be needing that extra lift on the beach you won't have to worry. One of the best things is that it comes with this beautifully designed bottle cap whatever the size!
3 Wear Waterproof Mascara

By choosing to wear waterproof Mascara you instantly remove all of those unwanted awkward panda-eyed moments from your day. All sorts of things in the summer can ruin your make up so make sure you choose wisely. Summer looks are often quite natural anyway so maybe even just stick to the suntan lotion and waterproof Mascara! That's what I do and it feels great after a long day at the beach. You won't have unwanted tan-lines and exposure to sunlight has been proven to clear blemishes/acne.
If you want a standard shaped brush and good quality Mascara then Clarins is where to look! The brand offer a range of different waterproof Mascaras but I choose to use their Truly Waterproof Mascara as it is a higher quality with a guaranteed no-smudge or run satisfaction. This Mascara type comes in two colours; Intense Black for a chic classic look and Aquatic Green for a more adventurous summer look.
4 Condition your hair regularly

Although this tip is probably already in your daily routine I need to express how important it is. If you don't condition your hair then start now. Buying the right type of conditioner for your hair is often something a lot of people struggle with. Many cheap conditioners don't effectively deliver on their branded promises. If you want real results then I recommend exploring OGX's products. Their aim is to expand the organic market in beauty and health even further. All of their products that I have used have worked so far and I've tried out a lot! Each product has a different subject area that it focuses on with your hair. For example, I have used their Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner in the past because I wanted to make my hair softer and shinier.
Although the Coconut Milk products by OGX works perfectly, I felt that I should explore further for the summer. So, I am now using their Healing and Vitamin E Shampoo and Conditioner which is an absolute godsend! After a long day in the sun my hair starts to frizz and gets very dry. One wash with these products and that's all gone! The Vitamin E helps heal and strengthen the hair and reduce frizziness. My hair feels so good after a shower that I can't wait to start the next day looking fresh.
5 Use a refreshing aftersun

A lot of people don't really care about what brand of Aftersun they buy. I understand that most of the different brand's lotions do they same thing and just as effectively as the rest. However, what they don't all have in common is the aroma they create. Hawaiian Tropic scent all of their products (even suntan lotion) which I think just gives it a little something extra. They have a range of Aftersun Lotions to choose from but this one is my favourite. This Aftersun is a combination of Ultra Hydrating Lotion and Aloe Vera Gel scented with Coconut and Papaya. When using it you're uplifted by the scent and if you're sunburnt then it gives a relieving cool feeling to your skin.
I only use Hawaiian Tropic products in the sun for many reasons involving the love for all the products and my skin type. If you'd like to find out more about any of the brands or products listed in these 5 top summer tips then check the bottom of the page where the links are displayed.
Mentioned Products -
(Please copy and paste URL into search bar)
Pinita Colada Scrub - £15
SHOW Beauty Dry Shampoo - €40
Clarins Truly Waterproof Mascara - £21.50
OGX Vitamin E Conditioner - £6.99 (Prices may vary in different stores)
Hawaiian Tropic Aftersun - £6.49 (Prices may vary in different stores)