What do great female Fashion Designers leave behind? What is their legacy? Many are percieved to be feminist. Powerful women open the gate to something more. They introduce us to something we could have never imagined before their time. One of the most influential women in fashion was Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. Here's some of the most inspirational messages she left for the women of the world.

"Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman"
Chanel was never one to shy away from elegance. Her constant confidence stood on the foundations of her principles. Many know Chanel for her iconic taste in clothing. Black and White was an obvious trend in her wardrobe but it was the way she styled herself that mattered. In the early 1900's women evolved their lives around pleasing men. Whether it was their husbands, fathers, brothers, escorts or any man they were introduced to, they had to try and impress. Although this is no longer the case, Chanel's ideas of dress certainly make a good point. Be a woman that people remember. What you wear is one of the first things someone notices about you.
Freeing the waist and Ankle
Many don't know this but Chanel was one of the first to free the waist from corsets! The way that she dressed herself was very boyish and not at all flattering to the female form. When people asked her why she was dressed so masculinely she explained that she felt less restricted and equal to men. Her argument was that women should be allowed to do leisure activities such as horse riding and hunting. How were we meant to ride a horse with a corset on?
Chanel also started a trouser trend in Paris and other parts of France. At first a lot of women were afraid to dress like Chanel as she was unmarried. She wore trousers and skirts that were comfortably fitted. She even started to show her ankle!
"I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all"
Besides being one of the greatest influences in womenswear, she was also the queen of comebacks! Chanel knew just how powerful she was as a woman in the fashion industry. She knew that women looked up to her which is why she was actually rather sassy at times. Personally, I think this quote is absolutely hilarious and I think of it often!
Love can last forever
Chanel went through so much in her life. She was mistreated and abandoned by her own father. She had to travel to a rich man's house with no money in order to become a lover to live. She survived both world wars. However, probably the most tragic thing that ever happened to her was the loss of the love of her life. Boy Capel was her world. One evening he was driving back to her alone and died in a car crash. She never loved again but her whole career was driven by the initial ambition they both shared. She said "either I die as well or I finish want we started together." His death was what pushed her to become the Chanel that we all remember to this day.
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"
This quote doesn't just apply to women. If you want to get anywhere in life then you must be different. Don't be a sheep; don't follow the crowd. If you do then pretty soon you will be unrecognisable and simply be ignored. Isn't this quote empowering? It really makes you think about the choices you make especially in the fashion industry.
I can't cover everything about Chanel's legacy but here's a video I absolute love that inspires me every time I watch it. Please watch it!